Friday, February 1, 2013

Garden NOW! Not in summer!

 This is a great time to garden.
“Winter is time for the garden to go to sleep” is a goofy notion foisted on us by Yankee dirt churners.
For Texas and the rest of the south, SURF’S UP!
Our winter temps are usually mild, and the rainfall is increased.
Right now you can put in peas, radishes, onions, potatoes, bushes, and herbs like rosemary, all kinds of perennials like Rock Rose, echinacea, mums, dianthus. (Finding some of these perennials might be tough in local garden centers, but you can always order on-line.)   

When frost threatens, just water a bit. Drag a tarp or a blankie over the bed, and sleep like a rock!
Or jerk your potted plant into the garage, sunroom or greenhouse for the night.  (Sometimes just putting it under the eaves of your house, or in a carport will do!
Bugs aren’t nearly as hungry and plentiful as in the summer, Weeds don’t seem to sprout quite as much, (although if you've kept an eye on your garden or any plowed vacant lot, you've noticed the weeds are starting to germinate!) And it’s sooo much nicer to work outside when it’s 50 or 60 degrees, not 110!
Summer is the time to visit the relatives in Michigan, or going on that Alaskan cruise. Hang up the hoe for a few months!  
Now is the time to garden. (Just don't work your dirt when it's moist. You'll lose the nice texture you worked hard to attain. In my garden I'd have modeling clay.)

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